Common Workflows
Finding crop rotation patterns
Disseminating Geospatial Information
Sharing GeoSpatial Data on Google Drive, GitHub, Wordpress etc.
Sharing GeoSpatial Data on GitHub
Embracing POPL in GIS Learning
GeoInformatics for Planning and Management
Introduction to
Reading Guide
Site Map
GeoSpatial and Metadata servers
Learn GIS the POPL Way
Working with Geospatial Information
Collecting geospatial information as data
Georeferencing Image data
Creating vector data by manual digitising image data
Accessing and Managing Geospatial data
Managing GeoSpatial data
Topic-centric Introductions to Relevant GeoSpatial data
Adresses, Building and Dwellings
Aerial photography
Agricultural data
Elevation and Surface Modelling
Historical Topographical Maps
Historical Topographical Maps
Addresses, Municipalities, Cadaster and other Administrative Units
Soil and geology
Multispectral Remote Sensing data from Primarily Satellites and Drones
Using historical Satellites for Change Detection
Common Data Formats and Acces Methods for Geospatial data
Establish a Structured Geodata collection
Establising a project specific geospatial data foundation
Table of common geospatial data formats
Analysing and Transforming Geospatial data
Basic attribute based operations (Joining, Filtering and Grouping)
Geospatial Software
3D modelling and rendering
Data collection apps
General purpose GISapps
ArcGIS Pro
Accessing data in ArcGIS Pro
Opening files from a simple web request
Using WFS in ArcGIS Pro
ArcGIS Pro insterlation
Installing ArcGIS Pro
Simple 3D visualisation in ArcGIS Pro
Up and running with ArcGIS Pro
Changing the User Interface Language
Configuring QGIS
QGIS panels
Installing QGIS
Accessing data in QGIS
Using WFS in QGIS
Opening files from a simple web store in QGIS
Up and running with QGIS
Saving a Copy of Data (QGIS)
QGIS Plugins
Install a QGIS plugin
Dataforsyningen QGIS plugin
QGIS odds and ends
Adding a Bokmark in QGIS
Creating a map with label numbers and an explanatory legend
Setting the Coordinate Reference System in QGIS
Tempary outputs in QGIS
Under the hood of QGIS
Map and data Portals
Creating a user and token on Dataforsyningen
The Python Ecosystem of Geospatial Libraries
Accessing data in Python
Opening files from a simple using web request.
Web based Tecnologies
ArcGIS online
Add content
Publishing a ESRI Story map
The Javascript Ecosystem of Geospatial Libraries
Primarily nonspatial data processing and visualisation tools (charts etc)
General Concepts
Database theory
Filtering data using SQL
The role of Artificial Intelligence in Geoinformatics
Representing Reality: How Geospatial Data Captures Phenomena
Metadata: Describing how GeoSpatial data Represent Reality
ISO GeoSpatial topics
Inspire themes
Representing Reality: How Geographic Information Captures Phenomena
The Fundamentals of GeoSpatial data
Copyright and licencing practices
Learning paths
GIS crash course
Really Simple and Fast Ways to Make a Map
Coordinate Reference Systems
How to Make a Map
Is a map the right media?
Making a map using QGIS
Making a Map Using ArcGIS Pro
Doing map layout using QGIS
Adding a background map to your data
Choosing a projection for your maps
Maps and their use
Managing geospatial data projects
Creating Geospatial Data
Introduction to remote sensing
Working with Transport Networks
Free External learning material
Chapter 2
February 20, 2022