Category: Software

  • Creating a map with numbers and a legend explaining the numbers Create a point layer with two attributes one with the number and one with the text From the layer styling label, the point with the number attribute In the styling tab select categorical    The press the calculation button (the small sigma, a soft…

  • While ArcGIS Pro is primarily a 2D GIS tool it has the ability to do both simple and more advanced 3D visualisations. Start ArcGIS Pro as normally and create a 2D map the includes the feature layers you wish to visualize in 3D. In this case Forist, trees, tree groups and buildings. Now add a…

  • Using WFS in ArcGIS Pro

    In most situations, using a WFS is without problems and the section Connecting to a WFS server is all you need, however, ArcGIS pro, by default, only fetches 3000 features pr. data layer. If you run into this restriction read the section on Handling situations where you do not receive all the data you need…

  • Using WFS in QGIS

    Reducing the number of features fetched. While WFS normally is rather easy to use in QGIS there are some situations that need a bit of attention. Many WFS servers only allow a limited amount of features to be fetched. Since QGIS fetches the data the first time the WFS is loaded, it is important to…

  • Installing ArcGIS Pro

    For most people, the easiest way to install ArcGIS Pro is to go to ArcGIS online ( and sign in with your user credentials. In the top right corner, click on your username. Then click on “My Settings” And the chosen licences scroll down to ArcGIS pro and chose download ArcGIA Pro Before installing, make…

  • Adding a Bokmark in QGIS

  • Saving a Copy of Data (QGIS)

    There are many situations where you want to save a copy of some data. The most common are: The procedure is more or less the same in all the above situations. There are some differences between: Vector data Right-click on the data layer in the layers panel, chose “Export” ->” Save Features as” The “same…

  • It is sometimes easy to forget how much information we can get from historical satellite data. One of our oldest land observation systems is the USGS/NASA Landsat series dating back to 1972. There have been many iterations of the Landsat platform, but it does maintain a high degree of backwards compatibility. You can read more…

  • In ArcGIS pro you can open webdata

  • Accessing data in ArcGIS Pro

    ArcGIS Pro does not, as such, come with any preinstalled data, although there typically is a series of “Base maps” that can be used as background maps or to print a topographical map of somewhere. See more in the article “BaseMaps in ArcGIS PRO”. In the following, you can find articles on how to access…