The purpose of this learning path is to present the most fundamental GIS skills and knowledge needed either to participate in a course where basic GIS skills are a prerequisite or to start using GIS for a specific purpose. After completing this learning path, you should be able to understand the material presented in the sections on Collecting geospatial information, Accessing and Managing Geospatial data, analyzing geospatial data and communicating using Geospatial data.
The learning path consists of the following modules
The bare essentials
- Install a multipurpose GISapp with a graphical interface such as ArcGIS Pro or QGIS. (ArcGIS Pro, QGIS)
- Ensuring that the GISapp is set in the same way as the demos on this site. (ArcGIS Pro, QGIS)
- The fundamentals of GeoSpatial data
- Common formats and Acces Methods for GeoSpatial data
- Establish a Structured Geodata collection.
- Visualize geospatial data as maps
The basics of data management
- Organizing your map and data files
- Filtering, sub-setting and saving data
- Loading data using standard web services
- Creating and editing data within the GISapp
- Joining geospatial and non-spatial data
- Converting raster to vector data
- Coordinate Reference Systems
- Copyright and licencing basics.
The basics of geospatial data analysis
- Overlay and buffer analysis on vector data
- Simple algebra on raster data
Where to go next
This naturally depends on what you want to do, but a typical place to go next is how to find and access geospatial data